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5 SEO Tips You Should Consider

Organic traffic is the most valuable traffic you can drive to your website. Consumers looking after you will have better conversion rate, higher order value and longer life time value. But algorithms of search engines and especially Google algorithm keep on evolving and it is a kind of hard to stay up to speed.

SEO expert Neil Patel shared his top 10 SEO tips in a recent article.

Below are five of them you can start with for improving your website’s search engine ranking. And if you want more SEO tips, you can read the full article on

  1. Page speed is a critical factor for SEO so Get rid of non-essential elements that slow down your site

  2. Link building is still important so link other websites with relevant content. Make sure you are linking to sources that add value for your reader though. Don’t link just for the sake of linking.

  3. Double check if your content is written to engage your audience not to manipulate search engine

  4. Write Unique and relevant meta description for every page. It is one of the first things people will see when Google returns a specific page on your website in its search results…so it is better to be eyes catching.

  5. Have web analytics in place at the start to be able to track what’s working and what’s not.

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